
AWANA is a ministry for kids ages 3 years old through 8th grade. We have weekly Bible lessons, memory verses, games/crafts, and more! We would love to see you there!
AWANA is every Thursday evening from 6:30 - 8PM during the school year. See our Upcoming Events page for details.
Contact Janelle Larsen | Tel: 509-944-6702

Vacation Bible School is held every summer. Please join us for fun, crafts, and most important, learning about Jesus!
Times and dates will be posted on our Upcoming Events page, starting in May of each year.

Men's Bible Study
Our desire is to grow together as brothers in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Supporting and bearing each other's burdens. And learn how to lead as God calls us to lead.
Study is every Saturday morning at 8am downstairs in the church building.
Contact Four Lakes Community Church | Tel: 509-455-9969

Women's Bible Study
As women, we want to love each other well while we drive deeper into God's Word (the Bible). Join us for a time of prayer, good conversation, laughter, and learning more about Jesus.
And oh yes, we have food!
Contact Crystal Specht | Tel: 509-455-9969